"P1: Governance, Risk & Ethics" is an ACCA-approved book or study. When people hear "ACCA," they often think that number calculations will be part of it. Anyway, most of this book isn't about math. Instead, it's about how to have good corporate governance, how to manage organization risks in a more effective and efficient way, and how to keep an organization or employee's personal and professional behavior more honest.
Online Quiz 's Master Student Activities at Institute of Finance and Accounting
At the Institute of Finance and Accounting (IFA), I've given this course P1 to two groups of Master's students. All of them work for private companies, non-profits, the government, or their own businesses. I'm glad they've shared their real-world work experiences in class and kept coming to class even though they were busy with work and family. The only way for them to be more competitive and get promoted is to keep learning and growing.
They watched movies and videos like "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room" and "An Inconvenient Truth," which are based on real workplace situations. They also got real-world examples from Acleda Bank, Prasac, United Airline, UBER, Zappos, Microsoft, Enron, Apple, and many others.
I noticed that banking and business organizations in Cambodia, like Acleda Bank, have more foreign standards for good corporate governance, risk, and ethics. Anyway, these good things are hard to find in SMEs.
I hope they do learn useful skills that they can use at their current job or in their own business to help their company have better corporate governance, a good risk management system, and acts that are in line with their personal and professional ethics.
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